
Winter Training Adjustments for Ultrarunners: Tips & Advice

Winter can be a challenging season for ultrarunners. The cold weather, rain, and snow can make it difficult to maintain performance and stay motivated. However, making some adjustments to your training can help you perform at your best during the winter season.

In this article, we will provide you with tips and advice on how to optimize your winter training and stay safe during cold weather conditions. Whether you’re training for a winter ultramarathon or just want to maintain your fitness, these winter training adjustments will help you achieve your goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Winter training adjustments are important to optimize performance and stay safe during cold weather conditions.
  • Adjusting your training plan, endurance training, running gear, and techniques can help you perform at your best during winter.
  • Considering cross-training, maintaining proper nutrition and hydration, and setting realistic goals are crucial elements of a winter training plan.

Creating a Winter Training Plan for Ultrarunners

Winter ultramarathon training requires a well-planned training schedule that takes into account the cold weather and potential weather disruptions. Follow these tips to ensure your winter training keeps you on track to meet your ultrarunning goals.

Adjusting mileage and intensity

During winter ultramarathon training, reduce your mileage and intensity. Decrease your weekly mileage by 10-20% to avoid overworking your body and risking injury.

Adjust your training intensity according to the weather conditions. For instance, reduce your speed on icy or snowy terrain to avoid slipping or falling. If you experience extreme weather such as blizzards, consider taking a break or working out indoors.

Cross-training activities

Winter is an excellent time to incorporate cross-training activities into your ultramarathon training regime. Consider activities such as indoor cycling, swimming, or yoga to maintain your fitness level while avoiding the cold weather.

Realistic goals and progress monitoring

Set achievable goals for your winter ultramarathon training, considering the reduced mileage and intensity. Regularly monitor your progress to determine if you are on track to meet your goals or if you need to adjust your training plan.

Training Plan Tips:Important Note:
Gradually increase your mileage and intensity as the weather improves.Never push yourself too far, especially in harsh weather conditions.
Incorporate hill repeats and interval workouts to improve your speed and strength.Remember to listen to your body and reduce intensity during extreme weather conditions.

By following these tips, you can create an effective winter training plan that will keep you safe and motivated to reach your ultrarunning goals.

Adjusting Your Endurance Training for Winter Running

Winter running can be challenging for ultrarunners, but with the right adjustments, you can maintain your endurance training during the colder months. Here are some tips to help:

Incorporating Hill Repeats and Intervals

Winter is the perfect time to focus on strength and speed training. Hill repeats and intervals are great exercises to improve your endurance and build strength. Find a steep hill and run up it at a strong effort level, then jog back down. Repeat for a certain number of times, gradually increasing the number of repeats over time. Intervals involve running at a faster pace for a set distance or time, followed by a recovery period before the next interval.

Maintaining Proper Nutrition and Hydration

During long winter runs, it’s important to stay properly fuelled and hydrated. Make sure to drink water or electrolyte beverages before, during, and after your runs. Eat a balanced diet with sufficient carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to support your training efforts. Consider bringing energy gels or bars during your runs for an extra boost if needed.

Adjusting Training Intensity Based on Weather Conditions

Winter weather can be unpredictable, so it’s important to adjust your training intensity accordingly. Running in heavy snow or ice can be more taxing on your body and require more effort than running on dry pavement. On days with harsh weather conditions, consider decreasing your mileage or intensity to avoid overexertion. Listen to your body and adjust your training plan as needed.

By adjusting your endurance training for winter running, you can maintain your fitness and prepare for your next ultramarathon. Stay safe and enjoy the challenge of cold weather training!

Essential Winter Running Gear for Ultrarunners

Running in cold weather can be rewarding, but it’s important to have the right gear to stay comfortable and safe. Here are some essential winter running gear items for ultrarunners:

Thermal LayersWearing layers of clothing made of thermal material can keep you warm and wick away sweat.
Hats and GlovesCovering your extremities can help regulate your body temperature and prevent frostbite.
Appropriate FootwearTrail shoes or other shoes with good traction can help prevent slips and falls on icy or snowy surfaces.
Windproof and Waterproof ClothingProtecting yourself from wind and rain can help you stay dry and warm in extreme weather.
Reflective Clothing and AccessoriesWearing bright and reflective clothing or accessories can increase your visibility to others on the road and prevent accidents.

Remember to layer your clothing appropriately, starting with a base layer of moisture-wicking fabric and adding layers of insulation as needed. Don’t forget to protect your eyes with sunglasses or goggles in snowy conditions. Lastly, invest in high-quality winter running gear to ensure it can withstand the harsh weather conditions and last for multiple winters.

Running Techniques and Safety Tips for Winter Conditions

Running during winter conditions requires adjustments to your typical running technique and safety precautions. The following tips will help keep you safe and improve your performance during cold weather training:

Adjust Your Stride Length

On slippery surfaces, it’s important to adjust your stride length to maintain your balance. Shorten your stride to increase your contact with the ground, reducing the risk of slipping. Maintain a quick turnover to avoid over-striding, which can increase your risk of falling.

Warm Up Properly

Before heading out for a run in cold weather, make sure to warm up properly to prevent injuries. Start with dynamic stretching exercises to loosen your muscles and increase your range of motion. Gradually increase your heart rate with light jogging or jumping jacks.

Take Precautions for Low Visibility

In winter conditions, visibility can be limited due to snow, fog, or darkness. Make sure to wear reflective clothing or accessories to make yourself visible to drivers and other pedestrians. Carry a headlamp or flashlight to help light your path and ensure you stay on route.

Avoid Icy Conditions

Avoid running in icy conditions if possible. If you must run on icy roads or trails, make sure to wear running shoes with good traction or even consider using ice cleats. Slow down your pace and take smaller strides to minimize the risk of falling.

Listen to Your Body

Winter weather can be unpredictable, and your body may not respond to cold weather training in the same way it does in warmer conditions. Listen to your body and adjust your intensity as needed. Take breaks or cut back on distance if you start to feel fatigued or experience pain.

Implementing these running techniques and safety tips can help you stay safe and improve your performance during winter conditions. Be sure to adjust your training plan and gear to accommodate for the colder weather and always prioritize safety.


In conclusion, winter training adjustments are crucial for ultrarunners to optimize their performance and ensure safety in cold conditions. By creating a winter training plan that incorporates adjustments in mileage, intensity and cross-training activities, ultrarunners can maintain their fitness levels and achieve their goals during winter ultramarathon training.

Ultrarunners must also adjust their endurance training by including hill repeats and intervals to improve strength and speed. Proper nutrition and hydration during long winter runs are essential, and it’s important to listen to your body and adjust training intensity based on weather conditions.

When it comes to winter running gear, thermal layers, hats, gloves, and appropriate footwear are necessary. Ultrarunners must select gear that offers protection against wind and rain, as well as visibility with reflective clothing and accessories for cold weather training.

Running techniques and safety tips specific to winter conditions, such as maintaining good form, adjusting stride length on slippery surfaces, warming up properly, and taking precautions when running in low visibility and icy conditions, are also important.

By implementing the tips and advice provided in this article, ultrarunners can unleash their full potential during the winter season. So, make sure you make the necessary adjustments to your winter training to stay safe, comfortable and achieve your goals.

Author - Mathew Stuckey

Mathew Stuckey is the founder of Ultramarathon Central, an online platform dedicated to supporting and inspiring ultra runners from all walks of life. With a passion for pushing the limits of what's possible, Mathew has taken on some of the toughest ultra events in the UK, including the Monster Triathlon.

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